June 10th, 2021
Are SPACs Losing Their Appeal? 2021 has seen a wave of enthusiasm for risk assets in general (to date), but particularly for new categories like SPACs and cryptocurrencies. As ever, investors are usually interested in the ‘next big thing,’ and chasing heat comes with the territory. But for SPACs, the strong run – which may
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Posted in Investing
May 6th, 2021
Institutional Investors Move into Cryptocurrencies – Good News for Investors? Every investor has probably asked themselves the question: should I be investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? Unfortunately, this column will not provide the answer. But what we will do is provide key insights into the cryptocurrency landscape, to help investors with their own due
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Posted in Investing
November 20th, 2020
Think Tech is Overbought? 3 Reasons to Reconsider! Through the first three quarters of 2020, the Technology sector has soared +28.7% – making it the top performing category year-to-date. By comparison, the S&P 500 index is up a far lesser +5.6% for the year (through September 30).1 As many readers know, Technology’s outperformance isn’t unique
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Posted in Investing
November 20th, 2020
3 Key Insights About “ESG” Investing Many readers may have heard of a new trend in financial markets known as “ESG” investing, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. The term first appeared in the investment lexicon in 2004, and MSCI defines it as the “consideration of environmental, social and governance factors alongside financial factors in
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Posted in Investing, technology
November 20th, 2020
How a California Proposition Could Shape the “Gig Economy” With all attention focused on the U.S. presidential election, many investors may have missed some down-ballot measures that could have meaningful investment implications. One such ballot measure was Proposition 22 in California. Prop 22 affected workers in the “gig economy,” and of course the companies that
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Posted in Investing
May 16th, 2019
People are starting to realize the importance of fees when evaluating an investment. But many have not yet grasped just how big an impact fees have. In a report titled “A Look at 401(K) Plan Fees,” the U.S. Department of Labor demonstrated how fees and expenses can impact long-term returns. It assumes an employee with
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Posted in Investing
May 3rd, 2019
If you invest for the long term, it barely matters WHEN you invest Are you concerned about investing with the market near all-time highs? Consider this: legendary investor Peter Lynch once ran a test to determine if stock market timing was an effective strategy. He started with two hypothetical investors. From 1965-1995, one invested $1,000
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Posted in Investing
April 18th, 2019
Human brains are good at finding patterns and recognizing trends. You’d think that would make us all great investors. Actually, no. All brains have biases. For investors, it’s vital to recognize when those biases are leading us down the wrong path. At the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute, the curriculum includes a behavioral finance course that
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Posted in Investing