April 4th, 2019
Warren Buffett is one of the financial industry’s most successful and respected investors. So when he speaks, investors listen. Except when they don’t. In his Berkshire Hathaway annual letter to shareholders earlier this year, Buffett talked about the power of index fund investing, and why wealthier investors tend to ignore it.* “Over the years, I’ve
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Posted in Investing
March 22nd, 2019
Which is the best approach for maximizing long-term returns … actively investing funds using an asset manager, or taking the passive approach using index funds? It’s a debate that has raged among investors for decades. After all this time, a comprehensive statistical analysis1 has delivered the verdict. And the answer is: BOTH! According to the
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Posted in active management, Investing
February 27th, 2019
After achieving a top-ranking (#1) for Year-to-Date Top Performers for Total Portfolio and Equity portfolio in Q3, 2018 by The Robo Report by Backend Benchmarking, Zacks Advantage has once again achieved a performance-based honor in the just-released Q4, 2018 report. In the fourth quarter and end of the year (annual) ranking, comparing performance among the
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Posted in Announcements, Investing
January 22nd, 2018
Saving part of your income to help build wealth long term is better than doing nothing. But it’s not necessarily the best approach. Why? Because it doesn’t let your money compound as fast as it might if it were invested in higher-performing investments like high performing stocks. “Compounding causes your wealth to snowball over time
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Posted in Investing
January 11th, 2018
Any patient investor can turn $5,000 a year into nearly $1 million in their lifetime. So says Ron Baron, billionaire founder of Baron Capital.1 In a recent CNB article, he calculates that “if you invest $5,000 a year for 30 years … it’s worth $890,000″ based on historical stock market returns. “It’s all about compounding.”
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Posted in Investing
November 29th, 2017
Savvy investors know that one of the best ways to maximize stock market returns over the long term is to simply stay invested. Market timing has been shown time and again to underperform a stay-invested approach. That said, the current bull market is close to becoming the longest one ever. If you have the vast
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Posted in Investing
November 8th, 2017
Investors are always told to “buy low and sell high.” But a recent study by Goldman Sachs suggests that a “buy low and sell high” strategy is not only unpredictable, it’s undesirable. Even investors astute enough to divine when the market was near the top – not an easy thing to do – and sold
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Posted in Investing
October 19th, 2017
The stock market is often touted as the best choice for growth-oriented investors, based on its roughly 10% average annual return over the long term*. But that figure masks a surprising discrepancy: the vast majority of stocks don’t deliver anywhere near that type of return. In fact, if you exclude the top performing four percent
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Posted in Investing