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Zacks Advantage Blog
Welcome to our blog, your resource for information on investing trends, financial planning, market and economic developments, and other news of interest to Zacks Advantage investors.

A Better Way to Judge “Long Term” Performance

June 23rd, 2017 For investors, it’s natural to look at an investment’s performance over time to gauge how successful it’s been. But how long a time period should they consider? Many investors don’t take into account the complete cycle of a bull and bear market — instead, they rely on standard industry measures like one-, three- and five-year
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The Nuts And Bolts of Robo Advisors: What They Are, How They Work & When You Might Want to Use One

April 5th, 2017 All robo advisors have things in common, but not all are created equal. What is a “Robo-Advisor,” Exactly? As its name suggests, a “robo advisor” is an automated system that attempts to do what personal advisors do: manage your assets according to your goals, time horizon and tolerance for risk. Robo advisors generally have three
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Why Combining Active and Passive Investing is the “Best Possible Approach”

March 30th, 2017 It’s an argument that has raged for decades among investors — which delivers better long-term returns: active investing by asset managers or passive investing through index funds? A recently completed, comprehensive statistical analysis attempted to settle that argument, and found the answer was: BOTH! “Quantitative models indicate that combined active and passive investing outperformed all-active
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Why Long Term Investors Should Invest Now and Never Time the Markets

February 15th, 2017 Losing money hurts. But experienced, long term investors know that periods of high volatility are inevitable. It’s part of the investing process. You can’t control their length or severity, but you CAN control how you respond. The temptation is to exit the market entirely. Unfortunately, that’s the WORST thing you can do. Why? Because no
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The Biggest Stock Market Fears Debunked

December 12th, 2016 If there’s one thing that market participants lack most today, it’s confidence. A biggest issue for investors is a reluctance to believe that the market has substantial upside left. Here is a list of the most frequently mentioned fears and concerns along with analysis on each of these issues from our wealth management team. 1. The
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The Zacks Advantage User Experience

November 15th, 2016 How Zacks Advantage handles the heavy lifting to present sophisticated, performance-driven, low fee wealth management User experience is crucial in the robo-advisor industry, where clients are attracted by the simplicity and efficiency of each platform. While some financial institutions build their own backend system, the opportunity Zacks Advantage chose was based on a long-time partnership
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Investing Fees Affect Your Bottom Line

November 15th, 2016 According to Rebalance IRA, retirement accounts have an average of 1.5% in fee deductions each year. The confusion is understandable as common fees are often grouped into other expenses on account statements rather than listed separately. Fees eat into the bottom line of your returns, so take the time to talk with your financial advisor
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Age Old Argument of Active VS. Passive Investing. Which is better for You?

November 15th, 2016 When stepping into the world of wealth management, there are two big players: active and passive. Understanding the basics of each will ensure you choose the best strategy that fits your investment style and goals. Understanding the Basics The passive investing management strategy is not as involved as active investing, and can outperform active investing
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